Saturday, May 17, 2014

China's dilemma

China's economy skyrocketed for the past decade. Now, a world super power, country with one of the highest population and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth. All of this is due to recent industrialization. Thousands of factories sprung up throughout China, powering its economy. In contrast, China's air quality levels has been deproving in the recent years. This is because all these newly built factories focus on economic growth instead of the general air quality and health. Harmful air pollutants or fumes are released into the atmosphere and liquid waste are dumped into rivers and lakes . They do these because it is cheaper to dump it without purification processes. This causes pollution and increased enhanced greenhouse effect which leads to global warming. 

 In the midst of improving the economy for a higher standard of living in the country, china neglected the fact that the air quality and pollution.


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