Sunday, January 26, 2014

Yiying's December holidays

During the last December holiday, my family and I went to Beitou, Taiwan. It was a 7-day trip. We were staying at a hot spring resort there.

My sister and I were excited to immerse ourselves in the warm, relaxing spring waters, so although we arrived at the resort pretty late at night, we were still very energetic. 

We were led to our room after my father was done with the checking in. He told us that he had booked the largest type of room there was - the Japanese squad. My sister and I became more excited. 'The largest room' sounded very appealing!

To our surprise, the room we entered was not very large! Not only that, the floor was bare! Well, there was a small square table in the middle, with tea cups and small snacks on it. A big cupboard was at the side and a television was placed beside it. It seemed very plain.

Moreover, where were the beds? That question left my mother anxiously rummaging through the cupboard, seemingly the only thing that held the answers. 

My sister and I were confused too. The room was just strange, though my sister was not really bothered with the empty room once she saw the television - her anti-boredom lifesaver. 

I decided to have a look around the room. I walked to the big bathroom, where our private hot spring was. Wow, the hot spring tub was big and spacious! There were separate water taps to allow water of different temperatures to flow into the tub - hot, cold and lukewarm. 

It was a while later that we realised that my father had booked the wrong kind of room! Based on a picture in the resort website, he had thought that the Japanese squad was a large room with proper beds. However, it turned out that it was a picture of two joined rooms. 

I wanted to laugh at his blunder, but my mother was not very pleased. She felt that we could not sleep comfortably on the Japanese beds (tatamis) - which she found in the cupboard - because it was too cold to sleep on the floor during winter. 

Honestly, I did not mind sleeping on tatamis, as it would be a new experience. My sister was pretty neutral about that too, but after some consideration,  my father agreed with my mother. 

Thus, my father called the receptionist to request for a room change if possible. Much to my mother's relief, they brought us to an available room with two king-sized beds. The bathroom was the same as the previous room, with an equally big hot spring tub. 

After all that fuss, we unpacked, settled down, took turns to soak in the hot spring and then went to bed. It certainly was a new and memorable experience, arriving at our destination, only to have booked the wrong room! 

Overall, the trip was very enjoyable. The food was very delicious and cheap, the service was excellent everywhere we went and the hot springs were heavenly.

I definitely had a fun-filled December holiday!

Gerald's swagilicious delicious nutritious December holiday

During the December holidays, I was lucky enough to go to Australia for a leisure trip. The temperature there was just a few degrees lower than Singapore because it was summer at the time (I think). The 7-hour long flight granted me the opportunity to watch movies all night. The people there love to go to the beach, as I always see dozens of them sunbathing, etc. The city is also bustling with people, especially at dusk, when the beautiful night lights shine upon the skyline of the city. I had loads of fun swimming in the rooftop swimming pool (which also had a scorching hot spring). The food there was pretty similar to the food in Singapore as there were many Asian food restaurants. There was even a branch of Singaporean restaurants there! I was surprised as this was not what I had predicted. I thought there would've been Western restaurants galore.This was a very unique experience that I enjoyed thoroughly.
Besides going overseas, I also went for cca acts and camps that taught me many new things and brought me lots of fun and joy. I also had to complete the mountains on homework given by teachers and retains sanity at the same time. Throughout the length of the December holiday, I met up with my closest friends.(You know who you are) and we had a fun "guys day out", playing soccer, or simply chatting. It was great nonetheless. I also spent the holiday playing retro games e.g (Pokemon, Etc.) . It stimulates the mind to make the right decisions due to the intense action and genius predictions. It was the most thrilling experience I ever had in a while. In conclusion, I felt that this December holiday was very fruitful and valuable.

Wenping's December holidays

During the December holidays, I'm lucky enough to travel to 2 places Taipei, Taiwan, and ZhangJiaJie Hunan, China.

On the trip to Taiwan, I've learnt a lot about their history by visiting their national museum, learning about how Sun Yat Sen transformed the island of Taiwan into a vibrant nation today even after his death. 
While on the trip to ZhangJiaJie, I've visited their renowned 武陵源风景区(wûlíngyuánféngjingqu)where only at the summit of tianzi shan 天子山 has a Macdonalds restaurant without having even a single one down below in the city. Through this trip, I had seen many beggars on the streets. They are old and they wore only thin clothing in the freezing temperatures at about 1-6 degrees Celsius. I feel heartbroken seeming this people not enjoying the weather as much as I did. 
Once, after leaving the restaurant for dinner, a beggar was standing outside the entrance, holding out his torn hat in his hands begging. I didn't do anything and continued walking out as my parents once told me not to give any money to beggars. I couldn't do it. I couldn't just see this old man suffer . I waited till my parents were out of sight, I quickly took out a 20¥ Note and placed it gently on the old man's hat. He uttered in a mandarin dialect which I think was a “谢谢”。I felt great.

Comparing both cities, we can immediately see the huge difference. We can see the people's general wealth by looking at public places. Every street, every road has street lights . While Hunan , only the expressways have street lights. Every other road is either pitch black or only filled with light from cars.

Apart from visiting this two countries, I spent most of my holidays on CCA and going out with friends.
During CCAs I trained extremely hard as my goal was to have our volleyball team to get seeded into the inter school volleyball nationals. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Ho Yoon Yee's December holiday reflection

This December holiday, I went to Taiwan for the first time in my life. The trip lasted for 10 days, from 11-21/11. On the first day, my family  and I boarded the plane with the tour group we were joining. It had been a long time since I took a plane! It was going to be a four hour flight to Taiwan. Once we arrived we met our tour guide and took a maglev train from Taoyuan airport to Hsinchu. The train was really smooth and fast. It got dark at around 5:30pm and we headed to Fengjia night market for dinner. I ate a cheesy potato a bowl of noodles and sour plum powder sweet potato fries for dinner. It might sound  like a weird combination  but the fries were really delicious. That was the end of my first day in Taiwan.
We started to head for Taichung. We visited the famous Sun Moon Lake, Wen Wu temple and Birthday steps. I learned a lot about Taiwan, like the 921 earthquake that destroyed the very place that I was at, and the proper way of ebonite ring and leaving a temple in Taiwan. My favorite was the Birthday steps, which were very interesting. We had to walk down a flight of steps, each step had a date on it and famous people who were born on that date. The steps started at 31/12. After lunch we started to head up to Alishan. Along the way I learned a lot about the history of Taiwan during the Japanese occupation and what they were doing up there at Alishan.  Alishan is a mountain deep within the mountain range, so to get there we needed to bypass many other mountains. We stopped at FenQiHu, which is a old train stop, that is part of the long railroad leading up to Alishan build by the Japanese. Most of the railroad had been destroyed by an earthquake and is no longer in service. FenQiHu is a small town that is rich with history. Back in its heyday, whenever the train arrived, the locals will try to sell their lunchboxes (with food) to the people on the train. We tried the traditional train cakes there. Finally, we reached somewhere near Alishan. It's was quite chilly and as I have never experienced this before it felt weird. We followed our tour guide for a tour of the Alishan forest park. There were many interesting features there. For example, only two kinds of trees grow there and it is because of this quality wood that the japanese hacked down many trees and sent them down the mountain via train. We saw trees that grew from the same root, trees that looked like various objects and trees that were more that 1000 years old! I was amazed that, even though the temperatures were quite low, my nose was not blocked and it fact I could breathe better.