Sunday, January 26, 2014

Wenping's December holidays

During the December holidays, I'm lucky enough to travel to 2 places Taipei, Taiwan, and ZhangJiaJie Hunan, China.

On the trip to Taiwan, I've learnt a lot about their history by visiting their national museum, learning about how Sun Yat Sen transformed the island of Taiwan into a vibrant nation today even after his death. 
While on the trip to ZhangJiaJie, I've visited their renowned 武陵源风景区(wûlíngyuánféngjingqu)where only at the summit of tianzi shan 天子山 has a Macdonalds restaurant without having even a single one down below in the city. Through this trip, I had seen many beggars on the streets. They are old and they wore only thin clothing in the freezing temperatures at about 1-6 degrees Celsius. I feel heartbroken seeming this people not enjoying the weather as much as I did. 
Once, after leaving the restaurant for dinner, a beggar was standing outside the entrance, holding out his torn hat in his hands begging. I didn't do anything and continued walking out as my parents once told me not to give any money to beggars. I couldn't do it. I couldn't just see this old man suffer . I waited till my parents were out of sight, I quickly took out a 20¥ Note and placed it gently on the old man's hat. He uttered in a mandarin dialect which I think was a “谢谢”。I felt great.

Comparing both cities, we can immediately see the huge difference. We can see the people's general wealth by looking at public places. Every street, every road has street lights . While Hunan , only the expressways have street lights. Every other road is either pitch black or only filled with light from cars.

Apart from visiting this two countries, I spent most of my holidays on CCA and going out with friends.
During CCAs I trained extremely hard as my goal was to have our volleyball team to get seeded into the inter school volleyball nationals. 

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