Thursday, May 8, 2014

Yoon Yee's reflection

Reflect on China's dilemma between pursuing higher economic growth and escalating pollution due to the industrialization. 
China's rate a industrialization is remarkable. However, the rapid economic development can't be supported by the environment for much longer. China's heavy traffic and burning of coal to produce energy cause aur pollution. China's most polluted cities have PSI levels of more than 500, and have ever exceeded 1000! Air pollution is blamed for hundreds of thousands of deaths each year.
 Water pollution is also a big problem. Many factories simply dump their waste chemicals/discharge into lakes or rivers, polluting the water. The water is absolutely unfit for drinking, even after treatment. Nearly 500 million people lack access to safe drinking water. The Chinese usually drink bottled water, for fear that tap water is also polluted. In general, pollution is a major problem for China.

I think that China should desperately try to tackle this problem as soon and effectively as possible. Stopping pollution and reducing their greenhouse gas emissions will greatly improve the lives of the Chinese. It is definitely more important than industrialization. 

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