Sunday, October 12, 2014

Trip Advisor

The Bund
Rating 4/5
The view was spectacular, and we really enjoyed it. We could see cool buildings like the Oriental Pearl Tower. We feel that the buildings might appear better when it is nighttime.

Book City
Rating 3/5
The variety of books was large but we found it rather difficult to buy the books because everything was in Chinese and all the books were Chinese. For foreign tourists who don't speak Chinese at all, the bookstore would not appeal to them at all.

Yuefei Mausoleum
Rating 4/5
We learnt a lot about General Yuefei there. We recommend not stepping too near the four statues though as they used to get spat on by the Chinese.

Rating 3/5
The food was all right but the service just was not desirable.

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Centre
Rating 4/5
We learnt about china's urban planning, which we found very interesting.

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