Sunday, February 23, 2014


Colour: RED
Red, as known to many, is one of the most popular decorative colours during Chinese New Year. It symbolizes good fortune and joy, which is why this colour is so commonly used. It is bright and vibrant, signifying a joyous, celebrative mood.

Symbol : Chinese zodiac signs
This used to excite me most when I was a kid, comparing zodiac signs with relatives and friends. It kind of feels like a representation of oneself, which I thought was pretty cool as it meant that I was a dragon (which in my opinion totally rocks). I first heard about the story about the animals when I was 8 or 9 and I was pretty disappointed and appalled by the fact that the dragon didnt win as it could even fly.

Image: Lion Dance
The Lion Dance is also a specialty of Chinese New Year or any other festive Chinese occasions. These skilled dancers will shock you with their ability to coordinate well with each other. It is usually a loud procession with the gigantic drums and all. I feel that these Lion Dancers deserve respect as they work hard practising their routine to perform for US.

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