Monday, February 3, 2014

Wienna's December Holidays Reflection

During the dec hols last year, my family and I went for a holiday to Taiwan and Kukup, malaysia. I will share about what I did at Kukup. We sat for a 2hr ride to Kukup in a van. I went together with my cousins and friends. It was a very exciting trip and all of us could not wait to get there. Went we eventually got to Kukup, we were stunned as we witnessed a very different setting. Unlike Singapore, kukup was still very old and it was a fishing village. We were very interested and so we went for a walk around our resort. We sat on a boat, taking us to a fishing place where they caught many fishes. There was a special type of fish, which was very clever. It was able to splash water accurately at a specific thing. It amazed me at how these fishes were so clever. The host there was a very young boy and he was very friendly. All of us were shocked at how young he was because he spoke like an adult and said everything in detail. We were then brought around and went back to our resort. After seeing the fishing place, my cousins, my friends, my brother and I decided to try fishing on our own. Well, we did not have the right equipment to fish, so we decided to work with what we have. We were lucky to have found a fishing string which was relatively long. Unfortunately, it was not long enough to be in the water. My brother then suggested we attached the stick to a wooden chopstick and it worked! We used dried anchovy as the bait (from our nasik lemak haha) and went ahead with our idea. There werent many fishes in the water as the water was not very clean. However, a few fishes spotted our bait and came for it but once they touched the dried anchovy, they swam away like it was really disgusting. We were all disappointed but were laughing at how the fishes were so scared of the anchovy and decided to play card games in our room. We sang karaoke and ate a delicious barbequed dinner. One thing i disliked about kukup was there were flies literally everywhere. After our great dinner, we bought firecrackers and sky lanterns to light up at night. It was my first time seeing firecrackers and I was so excited. We all witnessed how beautiful the sky lanterns (i did put them up in taiwan as well) were and were so happy when we finally got to witness the firecrackers. It was also one of my cousins' birthday that day and we bought a cake and celebrated there. We sat there, looking at the beautiful night sky and playing with more fire poppers and such. The next day, it was our time to leave and we were all sad that we had to leave Kukup. I am really looking forward to another trip like this in the future! :)

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